Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9

Proper 17 (22) - Year B



Listen, give heed, to the rules and regulations that life may improve tomorrow as we live them today.

It is probably important that more than hearing was asked. Listening is the operative word and listening suggests a desire for understanding. Understanding means paying attention to the dynamic of the rule as to its intended result from a particular starting spot.

When the dynamic is listened to it becomes possible to live according to the spirit of the law and make the necessary adjustments as the circumstances in which the journey to the desired outcome change and are clarified.

When this dynamic is only heard it becomes required to hold to the letter of the law, no matter what we have learned or how different the circumstances are that seem to activate it or how inappropriate it becomes.

Listen, give heed, you may even begin to learn from changed circumstances and find yourself saying, "You have heard it said, but now....'



When we speak, ideas are to flower. Our tongue is the overflow of a goodly heart, spreading blessings wherever it is.

Our participation in a word of truth will reveal the image of all creation in our living as the first fruit of such a word that ends in the affirmation, "It is good!"

Meekness will be both the prepared soil and the resulting harvest of this creative word, implanted soul-word. So we are called to be not a hearer that forgets, but a speaker that acts their word. As such we move into an unbounded religion that takes seriously and joyously a word to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and keep steadfastly on with this task, no matter what.

- - - - - - -

so many fine words
have come my way

no changes of life
but plenty of compliments

to keep on with this pattern
is to keep change from happening

obviously I have gone awry
focused on words and not hearts

and so my hypocrisy shines
as I glory in fine words

while mourning a lack of effect
is but vanity vanity

let us hear again
insides are to be joined with outsides

until fine words diminish
and heart deeds flourish