Malachi 3:1-4

Advent 2 - Year C

This is a humbling passage for the priests among us (some lay, some clergy). The messenger will clean us up.

It is as if regular participation in ritual sacrifice makes the sacrificer unclean. There is a certain deadness that comes with any routine, even holy routine. It becomes second-nature to us and we begin to take for granted what is most mysterious - offerings - offerings that both reveal and cover the presence of G*D in the lives of people.

It is so easy to get caught in the mechanism of rightness and so difficult to have this revealed to us and the world.

It should probably be mentioned that prophets are just as prone to routine as priests. We get stuck chanting the important phrases of the last protest in the middle of a different situation. We get stuck using the same old tactics and strategies and tarring with the same blame.

It is so easy to get caught in the mechanism of rightness and so difficult to have this revealed to us and the world.

And those who find their sense of security by staking out the middle ground saying a pox on both priest and prophet - what of them? Well, that's no better. The messenger comes to all.

The messenger comes to Jew and Gentile, rich and poor, slave and free, male and female, regardless of sexual orientation or political clout. You better watch out; you better not pout. I'm telling you why - Messenger is coming to town. Amen.



Malachi 3:1-4
or Baruch 5:1-9

The Malachi passage brings to mind the old story of Pinocchio who has gotten trapped in his own lies and desires and pranks.

A Blue Fairy or Fairy with the Azure hair (see original story) brings to mind a messenger (when did you last image Baptizer John as a fairy?) who helps the story along.

Jiminy Cricket is a conscience before whom we eventually cannot stand, but must give way. Who can endure the day of his coming?

Can a refiner's fire be matched with a water image? If so Monstro the Whale or the Terrible Shark (see original) might be the place where we stop lying to ourselves and others.

Judah, Jerusalem and Gepetto become blessed, as the story records, "When bad boys become good and kind, they have the power of making their homes gay and new with happiness."

Baruch may be more Cinderella-ish as garments of sorrow and affliction are removed and splendorous robes are put on.

What fairy tale do we need to remember today to help us make sense of the world around us and within - that we might hope? As G.K. Chesterton said, "Fairy tales are more than true - not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten." The good news of transformation from sorrow through a refiner's fire to joy, is good news to be spread abroad.

- - -

Righteous Peace begins our name
even with despair, betrayal, exile
in the midst of civil war, genocide, Gaia rape
we hear our name called and remember
Righteous Peace is who we are to grow to be

Godly Glory completes our name
in the midst of lies, pranks, hammer throwing
even with entitlements, covetousness, sorrow
we remember to listen for our name
Godly Glory is our chief end

no Righteous Peace, no Godly Glory
only Righteous Peace, no Godly Glory
no Godly Glory, no Righteous Peace
only Godly Glory, no Righteous Peace
both and both
Om shanti, shanti, shanti



"Malachi" means messenger. Might you adopt that as your middle name?

There are various traditions equating the messenger with Ezra (a Levitical renewal) and with Elijah (a prophetic covenant tradition). On the whole, we view the impetus for a messenger is more prophetic than priestly even though more words are given to the priestly option.

To follow in the train of such a messenger as Malachi is to accept the power that has been given to remember a covenant of relationship that has been broken but can be restored. This power is to focus on that which heals and restores. The brokenness has had us reeling and when such a message is acknowledged the dizzy whirl finally falls down. Now we can rebalance and aid one another to stand again.

May you be a Malachi of covenant renewal and leave the refining of others to the energy behind such a messenger.



Judgment needs a press secretary to spin the need for judgment. Knowing that the only outcome expected from Judgment is that we don’t measure up, we are tempted to believe there is no out from Judgment. At best it is a refiners fire that removes those parts that don’t measure up, even if that means there isn’t much left. Somehow or other cutting off pounds of flesh is supposed to make us better. Presumably once the soul has been disected out it will only reproduce after its own kind.

There are a lot of questions about a model that disavows choice and time. Somehow only good choices will be made. Somehow, in a moment of judgment, all is made clear so good choices are the only choice available.

So we prefer waiting for judgment rather than be proactive in building the kind of community that will honor, understand, encourage, and challenge its individual parts as well as itself through opportunities to further mature.

It would help if we were to remember that an anticipated messenger is none other than ourself and our neighbor. Proceed to attend to the message you are passing on.