John 6:51-59

Proper 15 (20) - Year B

How can he/she/anyone (to go by length of word - might it be better to go from general to multitasker to univisioned, anyone/she/he, or or some other categorization?) hold such a silly view as flesh-eating?

Isn't it amazing what we lose out on by jumping to conclusions regarding the limits of life. If we find meaning in one area it is like kudzu or creeping charlie, it invades beyond its establishment.

What of our tradition are we still propping up, not because we find it helpful, but because it has taken a weed-like grasp beyond its initial meaning?

I wonder if we need an annual Kudzu award for the most invasive part of our tradition that goes beyond its realm of experience to restrict experience in other ways. Any nominations for such.



The temptation of "understanding" is very great. Even wise old Solomon finally failed that test. Along with understanding came/comes riches and honor. And what, I ask, can stand in the face of such principalities and powers? Understanding eventually pales in the temptation of increased riches and honor. Why, simply because it takes so much to increase in wisdom appropriate to this new time and place. Let your growth in understanding lag for a bit, presuming for a moment that you have sufficient, and, lo and behold, riches and honor gain momentum and priority.

Without an increase in wisdom there can be no sense made of metaphor and mystery such as living bread imaged in personal terms. Alice in Wonderland's bottle and cake remain as strange to us as Jesus' language about eating him. Where we are willing to suspend our disbelief with Alice, we don't seem to be able to do so with Jesus.

[Can't help but wonder if Jesus tastes as wonderful as Alice's drink - "mixed flavour of cherry-tart, custard, pineapple, roast turkey, toffee, and hot buttered toast" or what my flavor(s) might be or yours.]

- - -

wisdom connects
far better
with departing
from evil(1)
and doing good(2)

when wisdom
gets mixed up
with riches and honor
there is going to be
hell to pay

to keep wisdom
increasing in stature
attention to G*D's presence(3)
even more than any list
becomes our joy and focus

[Note: (1) (2) (3) are references to The United Methodist General Rules.]


Eat me!

In today's world, these five letters and two words are hurled at another to reduce them, to put one's self in a position of power.

In Alice's world they serve a function to expand or reduce one's body, depending on circumstances. Knowing only the outside, we are brought to a kind of magic. Life happens, but we are not one with it – always it takes a magic elixir of dieting or carb loading to see us through our fairytale situation.

In Jesus' world this is high poetry bringing us to a better spot than commonsense would allow. Here is a breaking of barriers that sends new sparks of creation cascading and lighting our dark caughtness. These five loaves and two fish are an enlarging catalyst bringing us to a new perspective. They are the equivalent of "Let it be!".

And so the choice before us:
     - swear, diminish another
     - magic, wait on external solutions
     - create, a new place to stand and state, "I am".



How do you describe your presence? Are you a feaster? Are you the feast? Gourmand? Gobbler? The main course?

How do you respond to the self-description of another? Trust their insight? Question their self-understanding? Take it literally? Appreciate the art-form?

We can argue all we want about defining folks, but the first consideration is to give a benefit-of-the-doubt to self-identity. Then we can begin to see how that engages over time and beyond self.

No matter what the image used, we all come to every identity with experience that leads us to judge the worth of a self-description. We keep wanting to tell another who they are.

Knowing that raw human material is shaped by the family and culture in which they grow, we might hear again what it means to respond as a child - learning from the identities around us rather than deciding who has come the closest, according to our criteria, in identifying themselves most truthfully. We want to take the gold medal in other-definition.

To allow another to be present on their terms is to participate in heaven. Yes, even delusional understandings or wildly unrealistic identities. Putting that aside, now we can get down to asking better questions and listening for clearer responses.

- - -

You say you are heavenly bread?
OK. Now, say some more.
    An element catalyzed to energy.
So you might also be light, a constant squaring mass?
    Sufficient to see Neighbors everywhere.
Condensing eternity to this moment?
    Myself in you and vice versa.
You seem comfortable with that, but I’m not.
    I could use some peanut butter; you OK with being that?
How about milk or honey?
Hmm, from other chosen to naturally sweet.
Quite a shift, I’ll let it settle for awhile.