Romans 12:9-21

Proper 17 (22) - Year A

"Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it." [The Message]

So what is at our center? Is it the daily pronouncement on creation, "Its good!" or Jesus' self-identified task to release "more and better life" than we ever dreamed of? Is it the understanding of original sin or the image of being a worm underfoot?

Paul's examples of the grace given him to encourage our love presume that we have it within us to hold evil at bay while welcoming good. We can not only do that as theory but with the one person or mob we are facing who is confused about the good and evil within them.

Our center of hospitality and generosity are to lead our behaviors, our interactions with others. Jesus' presence and encouragement to love enemies is real and possible for us.

To recast these words using the United Methodist General Rules of 1) do no harm, 2) do good, 3) attend to GOD's presence -- "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good by keeping yourselves fueled and aflame."

It is not only OK to lead from your good center, it is expected. Enjoy the freedom this gives.



Wouldn't it be something if we really can't separate G*D's vengeance from our own? There is a sense in this passage that we can be the "good cop" while G*D will be the "bad cop." We can be nice, but G*D will put the screws to those who foul up.

If, however, what is good for the goose is good for the gander, what is good for creation is good for creator, then we begin to find the hard part of the passage.

We can no longer sit back and wait for folks to get their comeuppance because it isn't going to come. G*D's goodness to others will be a heaping of coals upon our own heads, as well as theirs. In fact it may be harder for us who are rooting so diligently that someone is worse than we are so we can be graded by G*D on some cosmic curve that will let us slide by any negative vengeance.

We may just have to start retranslating the Bible in light of what we now understand about GOD rather than what we used to understand.

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Wesley (Blogger)

Vengeance is very close to violence.

Just a reminder of a wonderful event coming this November - - Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki will be present in Eau Claire Wisconsin, November 11-12, 2005 to look at "Forgiveness as Power: Transcending Violence."

More information can be found at our Kairos CoMotion website:



Friends, Romans, Countryfolk, and Lurkers, lend me an ear.

Thanks. Now let me give it back to you with interest. No, not with poison tragically poured into it, but with a comedic filter that lets you hearken to the sorrow of the day, the bitterness of the years, the fear of the generations in such a way that you might yet hear a way in which others might yet allow a renewed love into their experiences.

When listening to the poison of the day, assassination folderol and the like, may its screams not drown out the Elijah whisper of hope.

What we listen to, we respond to. Yes, acknowledge the pain loudly around and about. Even more yes, rejoice in love, mutual affection, honor, patience, perseverance, hospitality, blessing, harmony, nobility, peaceable living, overcoming evil with good, and on and on.

Bless your ears -- whether they hang low and wobble to and fro or perk up and fun pun new insights beyond stodgy dogmatic repetition.

What are you hearing these days?



Questions can be stronger than answers. Moses turns aside toward a burning bush to ask, "Why?"

Only after this question is asked does G*D move in.

A question about who is speaking might be asked of Exodus 3:9. Does the cry of the Israelites "now" come to G*D or is this an affirmation of Moses, confirming G*D's observation of the Israelite's misery?

Even as Moses asked, "Who am I that I should go on this journey to Pharaoh's?" so does Peter deepen that with a question of Jesus, "Who are you that you should go to Pilate's?" The sign of the appropriateness of entering the halls of power will come later - Sinai and Resurrection.

Are you willing to wait confirmation, of that where you sense you should be going, until after you have gone? If so, enjoy your journey. If not, don't go.

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let love be genuine
live toward a better tomorrow
do no harm
live toward a better tomorrow
hold fast to good
live toward a better tomorrow

one love added to another
leads to mutual affection
one honoring of another
adds up to more
an ardent spirit
lives toward a better tomorrow

rejoice in hope
tomorrow has begun
be patient
tomorrow has begun
persevere in prayer
tomorrow has begun

extend hospitality
live tomorrow today
bless rather than curse
live tomorrow today
live in harmony
today of all days


"Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle.

"Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.

"Bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath. Laugh with your happy friends when they're happy; share tears when they're down. Get along with each other; don't be stuck-up. Make friends with nobodies; don't be the great somebody.

"Don't hit back; discover beauty in everyone. If you've got it in you, get along with everybody. Don't insist on getting even; that's not for you to do. "I'll do the judging," says God. "I'll take care of it."

"Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he's thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don't let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good." [The Message]

(Take up Your Life) <===> (Set People Free)

(Love from the Center) <===> (Do Good)

With these equations, reactions, and parentheses we find ourselves and one another. Print them out. Cut them out. Hand them around. Practice them consistently.




love be genuine
hold fast to what is good
love be mutual
show honor
zeal be ardent
be patient
extend hospitality
associate with the lowly
live peaceably
do this



A series of wisdom proverbs is difficult to categorize. And yet the various layers can be seen as a series of lenses choices when at the optometrist. Each choice add its own power and correction.

Here’s “genuine love”, how clearly can you see now?

Oh, not too clear because a big hurt makes you leery of love. How about now when I add “hate evil, embrace good”?

Yes to be able to see what happened to you as evil and that you are still good does improve the vision. But things are still a bit fuzzy. How about we try focusing the first lens of genuine love with this one of “mutual affection”. How’s that? Better. Good. We seem to be on a helpful track.

Now it’s your turn. How do you connect this list to finally see well enough to come to the action piece—overcome evil with good?