Lent 6 A


cloaked in experience
defining limiting
we come to this day
and every day
holding to the ordinary
new life fluttering within

snakes shed their skin
growing from the inside out
our names and cloaks
show where we've been
yet can be beckoned off
by a sun's warmth

from beyond our ken
a call comes clear
to leave one's cloak
without questioning what's left
but looking back to see
previously scattered cloaks

obviously not yet ready
we later pick up our old cloak
fall back into protective patterns
pretending it never was off
blinding us even to others
who in solidarity disrobed

unlike brother snake
and sister serpent
our shedding is not
once for always
we have trial runs
temporary revelations

a crowd of cloak droppers
becomes a mob of cloak huggers
momentarily reveling
in a larger revelation
scared in a next moment
freed four moments on
