Easter 7 C

on our own behalf


I’m on my way
to a promised land
already available
right here
and now


the journey knows
a secret lurking
in every heart
less difference
more similarity


but shortcuts
oh those shortcuts
play false with progress
distracting hearts
disheveling minds


lead to detours
there are no shortcuts
to trusting others
its done
or delayed


no destination
can be beamed
only walked
as seed
as fruit


all destinations
grow from
where we are
come grow
grow together





on my way

I'm on my way
to a promised land
all well and good

I'm on my way
to this present land
even better

I'm on my way
transforming survival
to promise fulfilled

I'm on my way
joined hip and thigh
with fellow travelers

I'm on my way
and glad
with you
